+ 1
Which programming language do you consider the hardest and why?
I've heard a lot that C++ is very hard due to its syntax but I want to know if anyone disagrees and if you do why is that? Also if you could tell me which language is best to start learning to program that'd be great.
4 Antworten
+ 2
C++ because of Hard Syntax.
+ 3
Personally, I found C++ was one of the hardest for a couple of reasons; Syntax being one of them, but also pointers (which to me is the source of many exploits in software - if you know when/where the software will reference a certain memory spot; it's easy to inject extra code in there - But that's beside the point and outside of your question...)
As to what you should learn, there are a lot of factors to go through in order to decide which language to learn:
Do you want to code for the web? (HTML/CSS/Javascript, PHP, Jnode) How advanced are you with computers (add Ruby/Python and perhaps Java)
Desktop or Android? (Delphi(Not yet on Sololearn)/Ruby/Python/Java/C++/C#
Are you more chaotic or more structured?(Ruby VS Python)
The best way is to decide where you want to publish your code and then decide from there..
If you want to do Windows dev, I wouldn't recommend C++ over C# unless you go with Visual Studio and Visual C++. The reason is that a simple window with "Hello World" will require over 150 lines of codes (approximately) just to display the window and the text... Visual Studio will enable you to build the windows and buttons and write the codes to control the "behind the scene" without writing the environment manually. Delphi will also allow the same (albeit does not have a course here yet)...
If you really want to learn C++ and use ot to build websites; well you can... but it's (probably) going to be a while before you see results. You might get discouraged before you see any.
If you like structure, you will most likely prefer Python over Ruby (not always right, but very possible).
So the best way is to decide where your code will show, select the best tools for the job and then take a few lessons.
Don't get discouraged if some lessons take longer than others, or if you have to skip them and come back later.
Also, practice makes perfect (but we still make mistakes, so practice, practice, practice. then debug, debug, debug.) and don't be afraid to ask for help. ;)
+ 2
Thank you very much for your answer Frédéric, it sure helps a great deal and i'll definitely keep it in mind!
+ 2
You're welcome!