+ 48
hello everyone what is the best programming language for making viruses and anti-viruses?
21 Antworten
+ 18
C++ is powerful .
+ 10
Obviously c/c++, most of os kernel is written in c/c++.
+ 10
If you're just starting out, learning batch viruses is very helpful (.bat virus files in windows). But they're not very practical in real world applications, as most antivirus programs pick them up right away.
+ 10
virus is good .....but worms are awesome ...they spread over network consuming system memory and causing network and computer to stop.
viruses attach to file and they require host to share the file for spreading.
+ 9
C++, C, C#, python and plain old shell script is good here is why.
C++ is super powerful and fast and is usually already used for the OS.
C is usually used for OS building and is powerful.
C# is used by Microsoft so most windows computers can run it well and it can be installed on Mac OS X.
Shell is built for the system and is pretty easy to learn, it also in some form is in every OS.
Python is ok but needs to be manually installed on windows but its easy, simple and very powerful.
+ 7
virus or anti virus
+ 7
C Programming Is Very Amazing!
+ 6
python could be nice because of his simple and fast syntax.
C++ could be the best option for that, but it'll take much longer because python is crossplatform.
+ 5
C++ dude
+ 5
java is used to make anti-virus
+ 4
why do you want to make a virus?
+ 4
A nice thread with satisfying answer. I'm curious to know about the language(s) used to write antivirus. Is it the same language used to write a virus?
+ 3
Of course Python is really simple and you could use it on multiple platforms but i just can't help but say C++ is a smarter and stronger choice
+ 3
Assembly, C, C++.. Any low level language will do the trick as long as you have direct access to memory, ie ASM(Registers), C/C++(Pointers). What kind of virus are you trying to make?
+ 3
there is actually a language made just for anti virus, called Yara
+ 3
first of all
pick one language like c++ & os (targeted), be a master of it then learn about kernel, system programming etc. it is time consuming process but finally you will be able to make virus and anti-virus. knowledge of assembly language will be plus point.
+ 3
Why would you make a virus?
Also, good antiviruses are made by huge groups of brilliant minds. Why would you make one alone?
+ 3
second stage C++ C# and Java
+ 2
c c++ py
+ 2
most popular first stage python, vb script and js