+ 1
How many times do you coding a week?
Actually, i don't know when must i code some program and i don't know to focus to what program i must to focus, so i hope you can give me suggest
10 Antworten
+ 1
Maybe you can start here...
+ 4
about 4 hours everyday
+ 2
and first program do you learning is?
+ 1
Since I am learning, I try to work on it every day. Even if it's just 20 minutes of coding, and reading something, or listening to pod casts. Trying to expose myself as much as possible, and keep it fresh in my mind.
+ 1
so, what is the first programming language you try?
+ 1
The short answer is that I am trying to learn Python right now.
The long answer...
I had some exposure as a kid to programming in Basic, a loooong time ago.
When I went to college, I took a C++ class, but I barely remember anything from that one class. Also while in college, I used MatLab a lot. I haven't touched MatLab since then (12 years now) but I think it would come back to me fast.
I started about 2 years ago self learning VBA in Excel. This was for work, to automate spreadsheet tasks that would take a very long time to perform manually. That kind of got my desire back up to learn programming.
So, I started out with freecodecamp.org. I completed a good bit of the HTML, CSS, JS portion of the beginning. While doing that, I decided to switch gears and learn Python instead. Python will help me at work with being able to use it for data analysis.
+ 1
That's amazing but actually, how can you know all of that
i have to learn about visual basic, html, php, javascript and css but now, i already forget that
so, why you can know all of the programming language that you have done to learn?
+ 1
Well, I have not mastered any of them. Right now I think VBA is my best one because I have used it more in the past two years.
I think it is best to focus on one language to learn. When you get to a certain understanding of how to structure things, that same thinking will apply to the other languages. Syntax is easy to look up if you forget. The important part is knowing how to think through the program.
+ 1
Can you give me some website where i can study about VBA in Excel?
Thanks for your suggestion