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Which language is most suitable to develop an Android 2D RPG game?

I've learnt Java recently and know the basic of it. However, when I try to start to figure out how to develop android games, I found that they often use some game engines which require knowledge about C language. I wonder if Java is necessary for android development. Should I just continue with it or make a start with C language?

16th Nov 2016, 1:54 PM
CJM - avatar
2 Antworten
I know normally RPG game's maps uses array to create. But how? What can I start with?
16th Nov 2016, 1:56 PM
CJM - avatar
Just a heads up - RPG games are some of the hardest games to create. I recommend working on smaller projects before tackling this beast. Don't get discouraged though! As for language, that all depends on your engine. Most android apps can be developed with the java language, however, some game engines won't support java. If you use Unity, then C# might be the one you want to tackle. (It used to be my goto for android development and it's free. I recommend checking it out) Edit: be sure to fine tune your programming skills on the code playground before applying it to an engine! It's great and it allows users to notify you of what you're doing wrong and what could be done better :) If you want something that can be made on sololearn's site for users to look at, javascript might be one you want to pick up. Be sure to pay careful attention to manipulating the canvas and adding event listeners. (There are event listeners for touch input!) I would keep in mind though that webgl isn't the most powerful platform, so be sure your game is well optimized. My pong game would be a decent example of a touch game able to be played through sololearn if you want to use that for reference. Also be sure to check out some of Fronz-Tec's mobile-compatible projects.
16th Nov 2016, 3:22 PM
Lux - avatar