F&A Diskussionen
Write a python program which will ask user to enter 3 numbers. Your program will output the sum and average of these 3numbers.your program will also output the largest number, the smallest number of these three. For exampleif user enter 2,10,3 than your program will output,
For number 2,10,3 sum is 15,average is 5,the largest number is 10 and the smallest number is 2.
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Write a method 'timesTable()' which accepts an integer value num from the keyboard and uses it to print 'times table' of itself in a structured format. Your output must include a header row. For example, if the user enters 5, your program's output should be:
5 Times Table
1 5 5
2 5 10
3 5 15
4 5 20
5 5 25
6 5 30
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