F&A Diskussionen
I dont unserstand the output if this code :
# string formatting
nums = [4, 5, 6]
msg = "Numbers: {0} {0} {2}". format(nums[0], nums[1], nums[2])
4 4 6
but when I do :
# string formatting
nums = [4, 5, 6]
msg = "Numbers: {0} {0} {2}". format(nums[1], nums[1], nums[2])
it gives me
5 5 6
is there a priority in the Reading ?
0 Stimmen
5 AntwortenC++ for Unrealengine?
1 Stimme
1 AntwortHello guys right now I am kinda of new in python
my question is related to the function call len()
len() its print out the character but here it's the confusing part, I am working with a list let me explain an example
['lee', 'bob', 'moe', 'joe']
why it's giving me 4 item in the list I thought len it counts the characters and if I do this it give me the correct somewhat answer what I am seeking,
len(players [-1])
0 Stimmen
8 AntwortenHow to print 34 + 45 in CPython
0 Stimmen
1 AntwortIn the continue Loop -
i = 0
while True:
i = i +1
if i == 2:
print("Skipping 2")
if i == 5:
It shows the output being
Skipping 2
Why are the last three lines not
Where it shows print(i) after break?
1 Stimme
3 Antwortenin order to find the sum of n numbers given by user,suppose our program is to find the sum of any 4 numbers given by user (using while loop such that (while(i<=4))and incrementing each value of i by 1),if the user give any 2 inputs instead of four then the total sum should be the summation of that two inputs..but the program shows the sum something else,why it is so??
2 Stimmen
3 AntwortenCan anyone help me to code this
Write a method 'timesTable()' which accepts an integer value num from the keyboard and uses it to print 'times table' of itself in a structured format. Your output must include a header row. For example, if the user enters 5, your program's output should be:
5 Times Table
1 5 5
2 5 10
3 5 15
4 5 20
5 5 25
6 5 30
0 Stimmen
5 AntwortenRuby Array Question
0 Stimmen
3 AntwortenAssign each track runner a roster number and calculate the average age of the team.
As output the program should print the roster in three columns like in the following format:
Roster # Name Age
1 First Name 18
2 Second Name 19
3 Third Name 19
4 Fourth Name 20
5 Fifth Name 18
The average age of the team is 18.80.
-1 Stimme
1 AntwortAssign each track runner a roster number and calculate the average age of the team.
As output the program should print the roster in three columns like in the following format:
Roster # Name Age
1 First Name 18
2 Second Name 19
3 Third Name 19
4 Fourth Name 20
5 Fifth Name 18
The average age of the team is 18.80.
0 Stimmen
1 AntwortHeute heiß
C pointers
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Guys help please
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Slicing in python
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Python question
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Control flow
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Front-end vs Full-stack
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