F&A Diskussionen
how can i put a program in an application ? i wrote a program with eclipse ( a calculator ) what can i do with it now ? maybe put it in an application but how ?
and is in this app (sololearn) declared how to program interactive fields ? like for calculator a field for + - * / and = ? is there any tutorial for that ?
2 Stimmen
5 AntwortenIm having an issue working with directories. My issue is with importing .csv files. I use the code indicated in the documenration--pd.read_csv,()--for ipython but i keep getting the error message stating the file does not exist. Any general ideas of what i might be doing wrong?
2 Stimmen
2 Antwortenclasse animal has makesound function i.e grr..... nd classes cat and dog also have makesound function i.e meow nd woof respectively... due to inheritance classes cat and dog also have makesound function of animal class ie grr.... now my q is how compiler will know which function to execute is nt ds ambiguous??... two choices r dere....
1 make sound function of animal class ie grr
2 make sound function of own like woof or meow.... any help would be really helpful....
0 Stimmen
6 AntwortenThe code shown below in the description runs here when I try it, but when I wrote it on code blocks it gave me 5 errors..
1. expected imitializer before '<' token. (line 19).
2. reference to 'pair' is ambiguous. (line 26).
3. expected primary-expression before double. (line 26).
4. expected ';' before 'double'. (line 26).
5. 'obj' was not declared in this scope. (line 27).
Any help please?
0 Stimmen
5 Antwortenhonestly, i have never dealt with any prog language before...i'm 22(aged enough to be confused, huh!)...trust me guys, i'm trying to know where exactly should i start to, things seem to be tough and above my head...u can tell me which way u hav passed up to now..i'll appreciate, thanks( if u wanna ask me, welcome)
0 Stimmen
4 Antwortenhi everyone,
I have learn basic java,c++ and eclipse more than 3 times, I know everything about basic, but what is next, is this for just making simple input/output programs?
I want to STEPUP but I Dont have any idea
I want to become a professional Android developer, pls give some suggestions.
q. only for experts
1 Stimme
3 Antworteni have two tables table_1 in database_1 and table_a in database_A. from different programs. they contain 60% the same columns. 40% is different. the columns are sorted differently. I would like to to edit only one of them an update the other automatically. Any idea on how to? Thank you in advance. With kind regards Jo Pi
0 Stimmen
3 AntwortenHi guys..I need your help..In my project, there is a task to create custom album for videos.album creation working fine.but i want to delete specific video from that album..Deleting whole custom album working.But struggling to delete specific video from album? pls give any solution or references ...thanks in advance
0 Stimmen
2 AntwortenWhy not working
-4 Stimmen
4 AntwortenHello Group,Is there any source where I could find multiple problem programming question on a single topic, so that I could get a good hang on those topics. for e.g, lets say I am learning 'if else' then I could have question and solve 30-40 examples on just 'if else'..Kind Regards,Adarsh
0 Stimmen
1 AntwortAnyone to help out on this codes?
-1 Stimme
1 AntwortHeute heiß
Saturn League badge
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Sololearn keeps crashing
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Lua course?
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Adding an image to my html
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