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What is c>a?1:0
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1 AntwortHow to read php
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7 AntwortenDoes OR work with ternary?
2 Stimmen
6 AntwortenHow does this code work?
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1 AntwortDraw this triangle [CHALLANGE]
19 Stimmen
23 Antworten? : are called Ternary Operators.
var = booleanExp ? ValueIfTrue : ValueIfFalse;
and that ? literally means "Asking a Question" Asking if the Boolean Expression is True.
If the Boolean Expression returned true, the Value for "True" will be assigned to the variable.
If the Boolean Expression returned false, the Value for "False" will be the one that'll be assigned to the variable instead.
I'm not asking a question, I just wanna share this to you guys 😁
18 Stimmen
6 AntwortenCan we do like that in C++
1 Stimme
1 AntwortHeute heiß
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Are websites hackable?
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Learn python
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Help for study
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Need help (French)
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What's an unsigned int?
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