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1 Antwortguys please suggest me the right way to learn php,how to practice,what be the matetials and more importantly how to start...I have a lot of passion and can give plenty of time but the problem is m just a bigginer with little knowledge on programming though m a IT student and in learning phase...I want to establish career on php what should I do...share your experience,tips and knowledge....thanks in advance... !!!
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10 Antwortenhey guys, I've been trying to work out the formula 'v=I*r'. But whenever I run the program and input values for I and r, it doesn't give the right answer.
This is the code
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int i,r;
int v = i*r;
cout<<"what is the value of i?\n";
cout<<"what is the value of r?\n";
cout<<"voltage ="<<v<<endl;
return 0;
p/s: I'm new to programming
1 Stimme
8 Antwortenfunction can_i_enter(age)
if (age < 6) { document.write ("you are not allowed to watch Dead pool after 6:00pm.");}
else if (age>=6 && age<17) {document.write("you must be accompanied by a guardian who is 21 or older.");}
else if (age>=17 && age<25) {document.write ("you are allowed to watch Dead pool, right after you show some ID. ")}
else if (age>=25) { document.write ("Yah! you can watch Dead pool with no strings attached!");}
else { document.write ("Invalid age. ");}
can_i_enter (24);
0 Stimmen
9 AntwortenApart from the Learn Java app, what books and internet resources would any helpful person on this forum suggest to a college freshman(me) taking intro to CS, and struggling?
Right now, I'm struggling with writing my own for loops and nested for loops.
I'm really confused.
Usually, I'm very good coming up with solutions to analytical problems, but intro to CS is making me feel really dumb.
I sincerely need help.
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7 AntwortenHello guys right now I am kinda of new in python
my question is related to the function call len()
len() its print out the character but here it's the confusing part, I am working with a list let me explain an example
['lee', 'bob', 'moe', 'joe']
why it's giving me 4 item in the list I thought len it counts the characters and if I do this it give me the correct somewhat answer what I am seeking,
len(players [-1])
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8 AntwortenIn the short code below, I declared an array of five elements. But I'm getting confused on how to use it in a while loop. My main question is , if the user inputs a userchoice1 value that is less than 1, I want the code to keep looping until the user inputs a number that is not less than 1. But I don't know if the 7th line (userchoice1 [x]++) shows the right way to loop it.
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2 AntwortenHeute heiß
C pointers
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Guys help please
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Slicing in python
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Python question
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Control flow
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Front-end vs Full-stack
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