F&A Diskussionen
Math things and js
1 Stimme
1 Antwortin order to find the sum of n numbers given by user,suppose our program is to find the sum of any 4 numbers given by user (using while loop such that (while(i<=4))and incrementing each value of i by 1),if the user give any 2 inputs instead of four then the total sum should be the summation of that two inputs..but the program shows the sum something else,why it is so??
2 Stimmen
3 AntwortenI have 10 variables called, int1, int2, int 3 and so on. The user can write one number into the console. If the user types 7, I want to add 3 to the value of int7. how do I do this without 10 if statements? can I somehow do something like, (int + "userinput") += 3?
thank you for your help! :D
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