F&A Diskussionen
Can someone explain this code to me....
class ReverseNumberDemo
{ public static void main(String args[]) {
int num=123456789;
int reversenum =0;
while( num != 0 ) {
reversenum = reversenum * 10;
reversenum = reversenum + num%10;
num = num/10; }
System.out.println("Reverse of specified number is: "+reversenum);
the thing I don't get is the reversenum part......isn't reversenum=0 so wouldn't reversenum*10=0
0 Stimmen
8 Antwortenguys this code I wrote passed all the unittest specifications in an oop lab. but they told me that I failed a hidden test. that my code can still be improved upon. I've tried my best but I don't know how to improve the code again. please give me ideas. am I using WET in any block. any unnecessary repetitions or redundancy? this is the code below:
0 Stimmen
4 AntwortenI will like to ask this question, but I don't know if is beyond the scope of this learning. it's about Gethashcode (), Tostring () Gettype () etc. I will like a little enligthment. The definition and overriding in a class, though I have gotten some definition, but I will like if someone could throw more light on it's usage.
0 Stimmen
2 AntwortenIn the short code below, I declared an array of five elements. But I'm getting confused on how to use it in a while loop. My main question is , if the user inputs a userchoice1 value that is less than 1, I want the code to keep looping until the user inputs a number that is not less than 1. But I don't know if the 7th line (userchoice1 [x]++) shows the right way to loop it.
1 Stimme
2 AntwortenHey there,
I don't know why, but when I import tkinter on IDLE like this:
from tkinter import *
And I say:
window = Tk()
Even known I use python 3.2.5, which should be able to use Tkinter, the python shell raises a ValueError that says that Tk() is not defined. I am very sure I use python 3.2.5 and tutorials from the Python Foundation say that is what I have to do. But it still doesn't work.
Does anyone have an idea of how to solve this problem? Thank you!
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3 AntwortenHeute heiß
Guys help please
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