c# problem please help me
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace methods { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Enter your ferst num"); int x = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); bool Cansul; char A = '*' ; char B = '/' ; char C = '+' ; char D = '-' ; Console.WriteLine("but * or / or + or -"); char a =Convert.ToChar( Console.Read()); do { if (a == A) { Cansul = false; } else if (a == B) { Cansul = false; } else if (a == C) { Cansul = false; } else if (a == D) { Cansul = false; } else { Cansul = true ; Console.WriteLine("you must but * or / or + or - "); a =Convert.ToChar( Console.Read()); } } while (Cansul); Console.WriteLine("Enter your second num"); // here the error :( i can't fix it . int y = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); /* char A = '*' ; char B = '/' ; char C = '+' ; char D = '-' ; */ int Z; if (a == A) { Z = x * y ; } else if (a == B) { Z = x / y; } else if (a == C) { Z = x + y; } else if (a == D) { Z = x - y; } else { Z = 0; Console.WriteLine("error"); } Console.WriteLine(value: Z); Console.WriteLine("any key to End :) "); Console.Rea