+ 7
proposal concerning the SoloLearn app, especially in the field of up- and downvotes
I have noticed that if you up- or downvote a posting, you can change your upvote to a downvote and vice versa, but it is not possible to withdraw a voting. My rating could differ because of editing of post. Practical example: a posting has 5 votes. If you upvote it, it gets 6 votes. If you change your mind and tap the opposite arrow, the posting gets 4 votes. It is not possible to go back to a neutral value that the posting has 5 votes again. Could somebody of the SL-staff please explain this behaviour?
4 Answers
+ 6
If you upvote and want to undo it, tap the upvote button again and it will go back to neutral. Works the same with downvote.
+ 8
Hi Jacob,
thank you for your answer! It would have been so easy to find this solution of the "problem". I don't know, why I did not see this. Perhaps because I am from the last century....
+ 3
Useful information. Who would have thought that a double upvote meant negation of the first upvote.
+ 3
Jan Markus You're quite funny. Going through your questions and posts has been a humorous as well as enlightening adventure. 😁😁