+ 13
[challenge] shuffle the middle of every word in a text
Example Text: If you are coming from Java world, you might already have heard about the method overloading in Java. Kotlin, with the help of default parameters and named arguments helps us to reduce the number of overloads that we generally need in Java world. If you are cmonig form Java wolrd, you mghit adealry have heard auobt the method oeiavnldorg in Java. Kotiln, wtih the hlep of dfelaut paremtares and named armneugts hepls us to rucdee the neubmr of orladevos taht we glreelnay need in Java wlrod. All weapons welcome Have fun
14 Answers
+ 2
I rewrote the code I wrote for Murillo Pyaia's Typoglycemia Challenge, it was actually quite slow.
I'm not sure it was needed, but my code won't let a 4+ letters word randomly unmodified (unless 'need' of course here).
+ 16
My try in Kotlin 😊
+ 9
Here is an python example
+ 9
by the way.... this is my 500. Post
+ 6
is this the idea?
+ 5
@pedro yes generally.
If you use a given large text, you will see, that the text is still easy to read.
Our brain only needs first and last letter not shuffled.
+ 4
@Paul thank you very very much
+ 4
@luis yes... just addon: a whole text.
+ 4
@Russ just have fun discovering Python.
Thanks for your solution.
+ 3
Your posts and challenges are always appreciated.
+ 2
here we go
+ 2
My attempt:
Looking at everyone else's codes makes me feel like I have so much to learn!
+ 1
Is a very similar challenge, here's my code: