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1. Write a program using java to create : A class called Time, which models a time instance with hour, minute and second, is designed as shown in the class diagram. It contains the following members: ï· 3 private instance variables hour, minute, and second. ï· Constructors, getters and setters. ï· A method setTime() to set hour, minute and second. ï· A toString() that returns "hh:mm:ss" with leading zero if applicable. ï· A method nextSecond() that advances this instance by one second. It returns this instance to support chaining (cascading) operations, e.g., t1.nextSecond().nextSecond(). Take note that the nextSecond() of 23:59:59 is 00:00:00. Write the Time class and a test driver to test all the public methods. No input validations are required.