+ 2
How do you deal with programming assignment
especially when it is so hard you have been bothered for a week and your teammate was like "hei life is good lets just leave it be"
4 Answers
+ 9
I live the carry life, because I can. B>
Seriously though, if it's individually assessed, notify your lecturer about the situation. Which uni are you in?
+ 9
I was thinking we could be studying in the same university. I'm in USM, thought I should be the first one to break it if I'm the one asking. :>
Job opportunities aren't that bleak. You can always walk the academic route and become a lecturer yourself. :P
im the type who carry and crash the whole team (put on sunglasses)
sorry that I can't tell my uni name directly, but here's an obvious hint: it was ranked in the same band as UPM and UTM in THE 2018.
Unfortunately we don't have much programming carriers over here, so I'm convincing myself to live like my teammate (神马都是浮云 every object is but a bundle of atoms)