How to perform non-constant tasks within a while loop?
I am a beginner and I am trying to make a simple game where the user adds as many sets of two random numbers as they can within a given time frame. I have a while loop that counts down an integer X to zero. I want it so that as long as X > 0, I can give two random numbers, wait for a response, and repeat that process indefinitely until the timer is up. If I put the user.Input inside the while loop it will just repeat constantly and not actually let any input. How do I allow both timer and prompt to work?
5 Answers
Are you saying your scanner only accepts input once?
The scanner won’t accept any input because it is constantly trying to activate
It should pause the program to receive input. Please describe how you implemented it & which method you used to get the input.
Scanner response = new Scanner(System.in)
int r = response.nextInt();
Then I see if r = x + y
I put all of this directly inside the brackets of the while loop
There really is no reason why it should not work, perhaps examine your loop condition.