Mini Project for begginer?
Hello guys, where i can find project for begginers with java? I want test mine skills or someone can say what i can do as begginer? Something simple, because i start learn java today, but learned python before so me little more understand and was simple begin with java, but dont know what be next. What i can do or any links to do something i want improve java codding skills! P.S i start code android games when i know a lot java to do something :)
4 Answers
write a number guessing game
⢠Generate a random number between 1 & 10
⢠ASk user to input an integer!
⢠Check if user input is equals to Generated number
⢠Make sure the player has 5 chances of Guessing
⢠use WHILE loops
⢠use if , else if, else statements
⢠use JOptionPane - showInputDialog & showMessageDialog
Thanks for answer i will try to do later ! :)
Well just come up with ideas of what to do, maybe something like a calculator ETC. Don't worry, google how to make those. The most important part from googling codes is to understand and learn from those codes, not blindly copying/using them.
I'm not using google for codes :), me trying to make something by myself