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Why there are so many programming languages and not just one standard?
The question is regarding the syntax of the language. Why there is no one standard regarding how to write conditions, loops etc?
3 Answers
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because 1 language can't solve all problems.
You didnât answer my question. What if precompiler would change the syntax to be as the relevant language.
It is like the whole world will talk the same language to google and google translate will translate it to the language the other side knows.
Programming languages are developed with a specific objective in mind, and for that objective they sacrifice something that another language has. For example, Java runs on all platforms supported without rewriting, but in exchange it's slower than compiled languages.
With scripting languages the same happens, you don't need to rewrite them, but they are slower. Compiled languages are faster but you need different tools and libraries to run in different environments.
Web technology languages are something closer to what you mean, as they can be run in multiple platforms directly, and can be compiled to the machine they are running on, on the fly.
There's still the question of what system do you use in that language, borrowing amd lifetimes, standard references, reference counting, garbage collection or memory management, which of all the paradigms do you use, what method for multithreading and multiprocessing, etc....
Unless you figure out the safest fastest method for all these, there will always be different programming languages