+ 23
Challenge - Even or Odd number.
Make a program that takes a given number and let know to the user whether that number is even or not, but you can't use any condition nor loop statement like if-else, switch, ternary, while, do while, for, for-each. All languages are welcome. Any question or suggestion is welcome too. Have fun!
59 Answers
+ 28
🏁 Great Challenge!! 🏁😀👏👏👍
+ 25
😀😂😂👏Good One!! 😆
I'll do my best 👍😉
+ 22
😁 You thought without me ? 😄🤘
+ 21
Thank you very much, really 😀 I'm glad to participate! 😆
I'm sorry I'm late, I've been looking for a good solution and here it is. 😁 ✔
I'm learning lambda expressions because LukArToDo makes me learn the functional interface! 😄🤘😁 It will be all right.
I wish you luck and prosperity and of course Happy Coding!! 👍😊😉
You did a really great challenge, 😉 congratulations, 👏👏
you pushed me! 😄👍
+ 20
Here's another one!! 😄🤘
for my 500 followers! 😆👍
Thanks a lot all of you 😉👍
+ 19
+ 19
It is fixed now 😉
Thank you for nice challenge 👍
+ 19
yo buddy , will join soon
//little busy now , will be back after some hrs & make it ☺
+ 19
You are welcome ☺ mate!! 😉🤘
We will learn together, slowly and do not worry, 😊👌 it is important that we do it and the results will come in time. 😄
LukArToDo is a magical man!! 😀👏👏😄👍 he has great knowledge and shared with us, encourages our work and progress. 🤗👌
I am at your disposal and if I can help, feel free to address 😉👍
GoodLuck!! ☺
HappyCoding!! 👍
+ 18
Oops, I didn't saw this conditions...sorry!
I will write solution according your conditions 😉
+ 12
+ 11
I used a try block to catch data input exceptions, not process the data. Hopefully, you don't mind that.
+ 10
My Python solutions
+ 10
Thanks to all of you guys for trying this challenge and solve it.
I had a lot of fun reading and testing your codes, i learned something new as well. 📚📝
This was my solution... It even works with floating values.
btw// i don't know which to chose for best answer, since there was some amazing codes.
Keep coding! 😀🙌✌👏👋
+ 10