Need help with how to run this program. Spent three days learning Python3 basics and still struggling very much so
After completing the Python3 tutorial and playing around with many of the "try it yourself" options I was completely confused on how to even start writing code on my own, let alone reading other's code. I googled a temperature conversion program but it is not working for me, it says "SyntaxError: invalid syntax". I don't understand. Here is the code: temp = input("Input the temperature you like to convert? (e.g., 45F, 102C etc.) : ") degree = int(temp[:-1]) i_convention = temp[-1] if i_convention.upper() == "C": result = int(round((9 * degree) / 5 + 32)) o_convention = "Fahrenheit" elif i_convention.upper() == "F": result = int(round((degree - 32) * 5 / 9)) o_convention = "Celsius" else: print("Input proper convention.") quit() print("The temperature in", o_convention, "is", result, "degrees.")