coding is so hard
im always wrong and lose ,, error and no output ,, how i can repair that and how i can win this coding ,, ahh so hard and make me confused
9 Answers
Don’t give up! Take it one step at a time. Try reading books on coding too. Even though this book is meant for kids, it’s easy for beginners to understand:
Lots of practice. And if you aren't getting something look at other people's examples or code. And if you still aren't getting it... ask for specific help. Post your code and what you want it to do and ask for help debugging it. That's how we all have learned. Programming is largely self motivated.
I’ve been coding for 4 Months, When I first started coding, I hated it and I didn’t know what I was doing and why I was doing it, Then I started looking up tutorials and Learning one by one, I am still a coder to this day and I love that I have tooken the Time to learn to code, I have a whole lot to learn, because Coding takes time and you can’t rush it, You have to fully understand it, Every Code I Make I try to get better and better, I have a long way to go to Code, I am exited to learn more, The more I learn the runner it gets, Remember to take time out of coding and Fully understand it, look up tutorials, “If you can dream it, You can achieve it” - Muhammad Ali
I've already been in and out of self-learning programming for 4 years. I can say, it was a rough journey at first, but all you need is a drive, a reason to learn. What I learned after some time is to change my mindset. Programming is not to be approached as one giant complicated problem as most people do, but instead as a set of simple steps to be followed in a logical order. Once you get over the steep learning curve of the basic concepts such as variables, conditionals and loops, it's just a matter of learning the syntax of different languages and programming techniques.
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Python is the easiest to learn @Putra Satria W
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what program language to easy learn
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like that okey im trying
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@Putra Satria W You will succeed :D Good Luck