+ 2
Laptop for a novice programmer?
I need some opinions on what laptop would be best for programming and 3D modeling? I would like a PC. I am very new at this and would like to succeed, I think a good laptop will help me do that.
7 Answers
+ 2
How much of a budget are you working with? If you're going to put a lot of time into 3D graphics and rendering, then you'll need to have a graphics card, CPU, and memory to accommodate making that a smooth process for you. I operate from a gaming laptop to meet those exact needs also.
If you let me know how much money you're working with, I already have a list compiled from recently shopping for one and I'll be more than happy to send some links your way.
+ 2
Well I was thinking around 1500 if that will get me enough computer to do what I want to eventually do.
+ 2
$1500 is plenty to accomplish that goal. You can get a decent enough computer for that price point. Are you in the States or another country? I'm in the States, so my prices and such are based upon that.
If you want, I can post some links to you for good laptops in that range. I'm about to go on lunch, but in 30 mins if you still want it, I'll happily send it your way.
+ 2
Yeah he’s in the states.
+ 2
Yea I'm In the state's, and yea that would be great, thanks.