+ 4
SoloLearn, can 5-5 draw result be ignored when counting count of challenges won in a row using one weapon for badges award?
Actually I've just won 8 challenges in a row using only JAVA and my 9th challenge is a 5-5 draw. I did answer all my questions correctly, I did everything in my power to win the game but the opponent did either. Maybe we could ignore those typical draws or consider the number of time ⌚ spent by each opponent to answer all the 5 questions to define the winner.
10 Answers
+ 5
You can't consider time cuz speed of internet is not equal every where in the world.
+ 1
Let me ask you a question. If you win 9 challenges in a row and draw 1 HAVE YOU WON 10 IN A ROW? no kid
+ 1
1) You say it Grandpa not grandfather that makes it seem like you don't know English
2)Downloading the challenges will make it so the app takes up a lot more space on your phone
3) A 5-5 draw IS STILL A DRAW
+ 1
Not going to work kid and if they deleted the challenge at the end you wouldn’t get the question bonus and in html the question bonus is almost the only way you can get experience
+ 1
Not going to work kid and if they deleted the challenge at the end you wouldn’t get the question bonus and in html the question bonus is almost the only way you can get experience
+ 1
Well if your so smart you can do it yourself genius
Listen grand father, I'm not talking about any draw but a 5-5 score draw which means you did not miss any question.
If you're used to trivia crack you should know that time is a significant variable in challenges.
1) We could catch the internet connection as an exception and pause counting the time when it occurs and resume later.
2) Futhermore all the questions and answers could be downloaded to each user devices memory right before they begin to play. At this point the connection status would affect the downloading time, but not the gaming type.
// Grandfather is Spanish, my bad.
1) The challenge will be auto deleted on your device at the end of the game.
2)We know it still a draw but it might be a victory for the one who answered in the shortest time. Quick answer matters too.
3) It s like being in a race, you might both reach the 🏁 finish line, but the winner is the one who reaches it first.
This is really a minor issue, they can move it from device to the address it is actually located now. You might not know how to work around it on your own but smarter programmers do know Grandpa. (if that suits you better than Grandfather)