+ 4
Sololearn Lessons
Are the Sololearn user generated content-based lessons available on Sololearn's web platform? If not, why? Maybe we could send an E-mail to the devs asking to bring about the change. Upvote this post and leave a comment if you agree.
9 Answers
+ 7
Rahul George Even if Google for their lesson without their permission it will be called as pilgarism. And Sololearn won't permit anyone to. So, it's hard 😖
+ 6
Sololearn Developers are focused on their app. The website has just history significance and hosts Sololearn API. But still you can try, send an email to info@sololearn.com or use In-app feedback option :)
+ 6
Rahul George Thank you too for asking a good question, it will help other Sololearners which have the same query ^^
+ 5
Rahul George Even if Sololearn updated their website, I don't think they would allow embedding of their lessons as it will make it easy for pilgarizers to copy their valuable lessons :/
+ 4
Rahul George Umm... What do mean by trusted 😕 ?
+ 3
Ekansh kashyap so the solution lags. Thanks again for your views.
+ 2
Ekansh kashyap i asked 'cause it could help coders like me to embed the lessons in a webpage ( lousy reasoning, I know ).
Also, i believe that the web service is lacking in many of the features that are presented in the app. Thanks for replying!
+ 2
Ekansh kashyap maybe they could include a validation algorithm that checks whether the dependent site can be trusted or not?
+ 2
Ekansh kashyap site's past traffic history, logs, transactions, content and plagiarism management mechanisms.