Hi, I'm new little help ?
just some basic info on html, I use codecademy.com as well as this (I use this to study on the go or at work) the thing is im HORRIBLE IN MATH. (basics I'm ok with its the crap where they add letters and stuff that gets me and all that but I digress) I completed the Java course on codecademy.com. I started the html with this one. can I honestly have a fulfilling career with this if my math skills are mentally challenged level ?
5 Answers
+ 5
Yeap, you can. But knowledge of math is important for time complexity or creating a new or modify old algorithm if you have any idea. It will difficult without math. But you can be a programmer. but not a good one.
+ 5
One thing I want to say that never ever think that you are weak in an area. You will never become better in that. Think you know math One day if you practice math you will learn. try freelancer it will give you a job For programing. hope it help you
+ 1
what if I honestly want a job that's just being a code monkey (writing code for company's all day) I honestly just want a 9-5 job or whatever writing code.
it did ty very much.