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I’ve learned the basics of html and want to go learn css. Should I learn html5 first?
6 Answers
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Jan You mean HTML5 is the future of HTML ☺
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SVG, canvas and other virtual vector graphics are supported in HTML5, whereas in HTML, using vector graphics was only possible by using it in conjunction with different technologies like Flash, VML, and Silver-light, etc.
HTML5 uses web SQL databases, application cache for temporary storing data, meanwhile, in HTML, only browser cache could be utilized for this purpose.
Another difference between HTML and HTML5 worth mentioning is that the former doesn’t allow JavaScript to run within the web browser (it instead runs in the browser interface thread) whereas the latter provides full support for JavaScript to run in the background (This is possible courtesy to the JS web worker API of HTML5).
HTML5 is not based on SGML, and that allows it to have improved parsing rules which provide enhanced compatibility.
In HTML5, inline MathML and SVG can be used in text whereas this wasn’t possible in HTML.
Some of the deprecated elements that have now been dropped completely are: isindex, noframes, acronym, applet, basefont, dir, font, frame, frameset, big, center, strike, tt.
HTML5 supports new kinds of form controls, for example: dates and times, email, number, range, tel, url, search etc.
There are many new elements introduced in HTML. Some of the most important ones are: summary, time, aside, audio, command, data, datalist, details, embed, wbr, figcaption, figure, footer, header, article, hgroup, bdi, canvas, keygen, mark, meter, nav, output, progress, rp, rt, ruby, section, source, track, video.
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l think not for as long you have a little knowledge of HTML CSS will just be a walk in the park..
HTML is still used but the HTML5 is more, it is more recent and more updated, so yes, of course you should.
if you very curious, I think you have to learn css first 😂
HTML and HTML5 aren't different things. is just a new version. Won't be super long before there is an HTML6 which will be HTML5 + more cool things.