23 and no past experience, could it be possible for me to make something out of this?
As the title says, I am 23 and have no experience in the IT field. My current job is actually the complete opposite of anything IT related (Welder) and I’ve been doing it since I was 18. The money is great but I hate the job, the people, the travel, pretty much everything involved. I started looking into software dev and was basically wondering if this app could help me ‘test the waters’ so to speak. Any thoughts or advice from anyone?? Thanks in advance!
3 Answers
+ 2
Honestly I'm a bit younger then you, so take my advice accordingly... If you enjoy doing something then pursue your passion, personally I don't believe in being too old to turn your life around... If you're serious about changing the entirety of your career I'd recommend doing an external uni degree on computer science or of sorts... anyway as I stated, this is my opinions. Really you should just do what feels right and if you're getting the vibe that welding isn't for you don't stay there.
+ 1
Definitely learn say C++ which will give you a major view on how coding works, if you develop a passion pursue it!
Jordan Patterson thanks for your input :) And yeah I agree with you, a degree is the way to go. My only problem is the 72+ work weeks I tackle. That’s why I was hoping that learning a little on this app could maybe help me decide if this is something I’m interested in and if a degree is worth perusing.