+ 5
How many year can it take me to be expert in programming
7 Answers
+ 6
4-5 years.it depend upon your experience and practice.
+ 5
Martin Taylor you are right but I want to say that 4-5 years require if you want to work with big project.and 'never stop learning'
+ 3
I don't believe in "how long" to master anything. I also think "expert" is just a convenient, but contextual, descriptor.
Some people have better knowledge and others better skills. Before my condition, I was what you might call a prodigy: I saw code as a way to communicate with the machine. I understood this does that, so why can't I do something new. I learned how things worked by disassembling them and fixed a car once though I know nothing about mechanics. I became good at games by understanding the environmental rules and exploiting them.
As time passed, I got access to study materials and found out the names for the things I was doing, life sorta happened, then my condition, now I need a reference half the time I use a standard function/container/etc. I make dumb mistakes, too, sometimes. I cannot write without spell-checking either. Yet my writing-style has matured, as has my code, and continues to do so.
I look at things from the more philosophical angle that there is no expert level: there's only a depth of understanding. How long that takes one depends on the individual, but it's not ever an overnight thing and no matter how many "Master X language in Y time" books or videos there are in the wilds, they're talking crap.
^Of course this has nothing to do with the job market. Martin's answer probably best reflects HR's take.
+ 3
4 years.