+ 3

Suggestion: Show output after completed exercise

Once again thanks for an awesome app! One suggestion that would be nice is to see the output of a compiled code snippet when you answer correctly in an exercise (wherever possible)

6th May 2018, 9:04 AM
2 Answers
+ 5
There is a built in feedback machinsim on the Right-top corner of the Sololearn App after clicking the three dots. There is a option to suggest your ideas to SoloLearn through this machinsim. You can also mail to SoloLearn at info@sololearn.com to suggest your ideas to SoloLearn.
8th May 2018, 2:44 AM
Akash Pal
Akash Pal - avatar
+ 3
Lukas It seems your question is not a question. Please use the following forum rules and 8 rules to get help from the community. https://www.sololearn.com/Blog/38/8-simple-rules-to-get-help-from-the-community Your question will be reviewed by a team of moderators and will most likely be marked for deletion. https://www.sololearn.com/Discuss/1316935/?ref=app
31st Jan 2021, 4:05 AM
BroFar - avatar