+ 5
Plz don't do like that
people are learning coding here but in real way they are just completed course .they don't code anything, don't accept challenges . so guys don't do that it will not improve your skill
8 Answers
+ 17
Many users do what you describe, but that's how it goes with masses. They are free to use Sololearn, complete all the courses and have an idea about what code is, then leave it. It will be part of their general culture and they won't actually write some code ... for now.
But then, in between this massive use of Sololearn, there is another kind of users, writing actual codes, learning, sharing information and challenging each-other.
You are free to blame the mass, but you are also very free to join the actual code-writing community and maybe ... share a second code with them ; )
Depends on what you want to focus on ...
+ 9
I learned html css js sql and python, no php.
So I can't challenge you in a p2p challenge, but I was also (and mostly) speaking about [assignments] collective challenges, that you can find in the lessons as well as in the Q&A, searching for 'assignment'. There are plenty of challenges and you can complete them with php !
+ 9
This is one of the most recent challenge. There is more fun with recent ones, you'll find more interactivity with other users.
+ 4
best of luck guys ☺
+ 1
some people complete the course and then do some coding elsewhere, so you don't necessarily see the whole picture.
+ 1
may be
+ 1
I can't challenge u guys coz am just learning nd taking greap in html