for loop to read details for employees
Should company name be XYZ & in the for loop body i want to enter staffNo/DeptID/AnnualSalary. What does this code mean: cin >> XYZ[i].staffNo;
2 Answers
+ 3
Without the entire code, it lacks context for telling what the snippet signifies. However,
XYZ is supposed to be an array of class or struct objects (supposingly class/struct staff) which at least has the structure of:
struct staff
int staffNo;
The original declaration of the array of class/struct object would be:
staff* XYZ = new staff[n];
where n is the number of staff objects. The member of each object can then be initialized with user input via the statement
cin >> XYZ[i].staffNo;
inside a for loop.
For(int i=0; i < 5;i++)
cout << “Enter staff no of the employee “<< endl;
cin >> XYZ[i].staffNo;
I need to understand what this line means in context or any link that may refer me to more practice in this.
cin >> XYZ[i].staffNo