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Roadmap to Machine learning???
how can I make a simple nueral network and what modules I have to use for making a simple AI.
3 Answers
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For a simple neural network just do the tutorial on the tensorflow website. For further study you need to know Python and/or R. Then you Need a solid grasp of statistical methods, linear algebra and optimization After that you should read a textbook in machine learning. Deep learning/neutral networks caused a lot of the Hype in the Last few years so you should probably Look into those. Tensorflow,scipy,numpy,pandas,mathplotlib,scikit-learn and thanos are python Librarys that are used a lot. Maybe you could get away with just learning how to use the librarys and without learning the theory but i don‘t recommend it.
Check out this Book for Deep learning: https://www.deeplearningbook.org/front_matter.pdf it covers some of the needed mathematics
This Book also Looks Good: https://www.cs.cornell.edu/jeh/book.pdf
This one also Seems pretty good: http://www.cs.huji.ac.il/~shais/UnderstandingMachineLearning/copy.html
You can learn linear Algebra here: https://www.math.brown.edu/~treil/papers/LADW/LADW.html
You can learn probability theory here: https://www.dartmouth.edu/~chance/teaching_aids/books_articles/probability_book/amsbook.mac.pdf
Sadly I do not know any free optimization textbooks.
You should probably also read up on numerical method/numerical analysis.
if you only care about neural networks and deep learning, this is also a very beginner friendly book that has a nice balance of theory and applied stuff and that you could use as a beginner without having to learn all the mathematical machinery:
thanks alot max that was the answer I have been looking for last couple weeks.
- 1
Artificial intelligence programs are categorized
from basic to advanced program learning methods.
depends on for what purpose is been used.
either only software dependent
completely machine dependent