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WPF Treeview for Active Directory OUs

Hi guys, anyone who has an idea how to display all OUs in a Treeview in WPF? I get it done with Rootfolders but missing all subOUs. I would be very thankfull for ideas or codepieces about how to iterate trough the OUs and to display them as it is done in ADUC...

23rd May 2018, 11:39 PM
Marcel - avatar
2 Answers
Hi rami0x1, first of all thank you very much for your link. Basically thats a whole project and when i am trying to execute it, there are a lot of errors. So i searched for the code that could help me to understand how its done. Sadly i didn´t found it. Is it that hard to display all OU´s in C# WPF? I am wondering because with Powershell it needs me one hour to build the complete AD-Tree and with 1/3 of the code that is needed in the project in the link. So i am happy about another solution that maybe could help me a little more. Anyway thanks so far rami =)
25th May 2018, 7:22 AM
Marcel - avatar