+ 21
Question concerning postings out of the SoloLearn "Activity Feed"
Is the method of posting anouncements, which are supposed to be of common interest, via the "Activity Feed" appropriate to reach people who are not online in the moment when the anouncement is published, and who are not a follower of the publisher? I have doubts, because the anouncement will drown in the mass of messages of "user XYZ has completed 20 challenges" or "user ABC did write a new comment on code 123". And many of the SoloLearn members would miss the message, which could be of a high value for t
26 Answers
+ 18
Feed posts do not reach people whom do not follow you, as it should not be. Your concern regarding feed posts being buried by other activity of less importance can be "fixed" by having your followers turn off challenge entries and other messages of less importance in the settings. However, you may suggest to SoloLearn, to implement priority ordering (instead of only chronological ordering, by default) for the activity feed, in order to show unread feed posts first, before showing other content in the activity feed. This should solve unreachability issues with feed posts, with minimal changes to the app.
+ 15
I would like to have a post tab added similar to codes and q&a where we can search, see recent, trending, popular, and your network posts. Seems simple enough?
+ 14
Jan Markus That's that. You are not responsible for what your followers choose to see. I'm mentioning a solution which can be implemented on their side, not yours.
As for priority ordering, it is also the same case, if it gets implemented. We do not declare that a feature is useless based on people who fail to utilize it, especially before the feature is even implemented.
+ 14
Some of what was mentioned is not truly the case. You do not have to follow somebody to see their things. If I'm following someone, and they post a reply to an off-topic thread, I'm going to see that thread, whether or not I'm following the author of it. There are more factors that go into what is seen on the Q/A than most would initially think.
+ 14
Our goal should be making the Q&A section a place for only programming related questions and answers.
So if the post is not a question nor needs solution to a problem, but gives an information which is very valuable for all members of the community, it should be shared using the feed post feature.
SoloLearn just started to feature the best feed posts, so they're aware of your concerns for sure.
We need to slowly make the Q&A section a place for asking questions and getting help. And hope for your understanding.
+ 13
Trust me. Soon, you guys will favor the feed posts over the Q/A. SoloLearn's been putting in some hours from what I hear.
+ 12
Jan Markus As I see it, that is how it should be. SoloLearn is the only account which is automatically followed once a user joins the platform. This means that the only user who has the ability to spread a message across the entire userbase, is SoloLearn.
As regular users, we are not entitled for this. This is why CoTDs, PoTDs are highly regarded. Before the existence of feed posts, we have been awkwardly allowing non-questions in Q&A. In a sense, are we not forcing our content to those who do not prefer to see off-topic material in Q&A? With the introduction of feed posts, only your followers (i.e. People who actually want to read your stuff) will see them.
+ 12
Jan Markus the worst thing is dustbin is has to be in dustbin place
do you agree
+ 10
Then I draw the consequences and I will not "spam" your system with further announcements in a way which is inappropriate in my view. I think that SoloLearn members are old enough to be able to search for these informations for their own.
Keep happy coding.
+ 10
@ CipherFox
You have to understand that my question was not meant as a protest against anything.
My question was simply out of interest and asked with a neutral attitude.
+ 10
@ CipherFox
You revert the principle of cause and effect!!!!
In the way that you say that "You're a very angry person." You show that you don't know me at all. Because of this reason You do not have the right to judge about me.
+ 10
Jan Markus
I'm not judging anybody, nor do I claim the right to do so. I mentioned my interpretatation of your reaction. It was in all caps. When people use all caps, it's often due to them being angry. I revert nothing. I was addressing the community as a whole while answering your question, similar to how someone at a gathering would address a group while explaining "the effects of certain causes". It doesn't mean they're insinuating anything. The case is the same regarding my answer. You "insinuated" otherwise.
Rahul George
I answered the thread with an on-topic answer. He had a follow-up question, and I answered it. The conversation hasn't been off-topic, but it's getting there. My points still stand, and my opinion has been noted. I'll take my leave now. ^^
+ 9
i feel the same but
have to agree some time and not other time
+ 9
@ Hatsy Rei
Then tell me, how I can "having my followers to turn off challenge entries" if a huge number of people is not even able to do a Google-search on the most simple topics.
They would also not be able to use the "priority ordering" appropriately.
+ 9
Jan Markus
I made a statement in my reply. You're "assuming" that it was directed toward you, when it was simply an answer/advice. My attitude is fine where it is. Bad, good ... your opinion is your own.
You're a very angry person. Chillax a bit.
+ 8
As you can see, only these people who are already my followers can be reached by the information.
In that way, people who are new on this platform, or people who are potential future followers or beneficiaries of the offer, are discriminated by the present system.
+ 7
For me it’s no problem. I am following very few sololearners. Only the ones I REALLY admire. So, I won’t get bogged down at all. I could scroll an entire 24 hours in 5 minutes if I needed to. But for some others, this will be much more concerning.
+ 7
Jan Markus
This is true. I doubt anyone would ever use such a feature.
+ 7
CHaran LEo25😎 It is one of the solutions, but the cost (effort at revamping the feed, creating a separate section) seems to outweigh the potential benefits. IMO, it would be more useful to port massive, popular OT threads to such a section, if we had a separate compartment. Nonetheless, please suggest anything you feel would be beneficial to SL, via the feedback feature.
+ 7
Hope the issue gets cleared now. Thanks for the say Tashi N, Hatsy Rei , Jan Markus , CipherFox, bobbie , CHaran LEo25😎 ,Jax and others.