+ 7
Best tools to build web app using Java in 2018?
Hi! I would like to ask You, which tools You consider as best option to build a web app using JAVA. Till the end of last year I had been working mainly with PHP, now I'm trying to convert as much as possible to JAVA, as IMHO PHP has (little) less to offer in a long-term perspective. EDIT: the question is more related to frameworks, but in terms of IDE You can always share Your suggestions. I would appreciate them all. I would appreciate pros and cons for proposed solutions. Thanks in advance!
2 Answers
+ 6
I will edit my question to be more specific - IDE is ofc IntelliJ. After almost year of using it (very similar to PHP Storm and DataGrip, they share the same engine) I would change it only for Eclipse if I had to. I'm more concerned about frameworks :) Hibernate and Spring, but ... maybe something else could be handy?