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How do I make bots to do my homework
social studies and science
4 Answers
+ 9
import the social studies and science library from c#- and youre good to go
using system
using social_studies&&science
namespace domyhomework{
+ 7
Hey nice question,
How about writing all the texts in a text file under folders and sub folders for social studies and science. ( or scrape a website)
Now write a script that scans each file for sentences related to keywords in your question. Merge all those sentences and voilla u got your answer.
Please note that you ll have to do ton of refinements in each iteration to get a high scoring answer.
The side effects of this project will be that you ll be a master in social studies and science after doing so many manual refinements( maybe it ll open doors on how to do it using neural networks for next homework s on biology or chemistry ) .
But hey maybe your friends can use this bot if they buy you treats.
+ 2
This kind of post make me doubtful and so sad about the next generation ..where Human will cohabitate with IA ! 😎
Tough your question can have an answer...with machine learning and IA , I think you can do that !!
With a good AI or Machine Learning.