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Hi guys which courses are more useful for an electrician engineer?
3 Answers
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C/C++ i think
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c/c++ because they are used most for embedded systems, there are also some arm chips that use java bytecode as instrucion set. i would recommend c++, since learning c and java after c++ should be pretty easy.
you should also remember that embedded systems are often a few years behind the mainstream regarding language versions. c99 is seeing increased adoption in embedded systems at the moment, but we are already on c11. and donât expect to use c++11 for embedded systems. there is also embedded c++ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Embedded_C%2B%2B
python +numpy+scipy might also be useful if you need to write simulations
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A strong (And I do mean Strong) knowledge of C++ is a must, at least where I'm working right now. Also, I'm not sure if they teach it on here, but knowledge of Linux is probably going to be very valuable. I've actually spent the past week trying to learn Linux as I just started an internship at Fermilab. I've also been hearing a lot about people needing to know Python and ROOT, though that one is lot more project specialization based. Oh, not necessarily needed, but a basic knowledge of HTML can get you pretty far too, especially in research. Good luck, and remember to enjoy yourself!