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what are "primitive data type"?
5 Answers
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Primitive data types are data types existing by default: char,int,float,long,double.
You can use these without having to define how they work.
Unlike primitive data types the other type of data type is user defined data type
These are structs defined by the user for various functions.
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Generally data types are of two types : primitive data types(size already defined with respect to compiler) like int, float, char, bool and other type is user defined data types(size can be fixed according to user) like struct and class
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True False booleans?...
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@valentinhacker true false are not types. They are values. boolean is a primitive type though.
to write and character or number or words even any other thing the computer can not understand that is a number or character or any other so he need some thing through it he can specify the kind of the data to deal with it and understand it
so we use data type
but data type itself has two types
primitive and non-primitive
primitive mean that is has one behaviour and action
like the, int ,short,long,double,float,Boolean,char
that is the only primative type in java any other data type is non primative
like String it is has more behaviours you can use it as a data type or an object from class string in java or like a class name when you use it as datatype
I hope it clear now