+ 2

Module.js:422 throw err:

open node.js command prompt after installation of node.js...error like this?pls give solution for that?

19th Jun 2018, 1:10 PM
Thilagavathi Chellappan
Thilagavathi Chellappan - avatar
2 Answers
+ 5
Hello, Thilagavathi Chellappan ! Node.js version 6+ is required. Check the Node version with the following command: node --version If you are not less than 6+, you need to update.
19th Jun 2018, 1:52 PM
Alexander Sokolov
Alexander Sokolov - avatar
+ 1
thank you Alexander Sokolov ...it's useful to me
19th Jun 2018, 1:55 PM
Thilagavathi Chellappan
Thilagavathi Chellappan - avatar