+ 3
What expectations should I have when making my own game (without an engine)
I'm thinking of doing a dungeon crawler and if it goes well I might add music or something. I'm just wondering how long I should take making it and when to drop it and move on to a different projects.
4 Answers
+ 1
Expect to write a thousand lines of code for your physics engine
+ 1
Depends on many factors.
Do you have a good grasp of your game type concepts? Do you have any partner? You using any API/libs? These will speed things up and keep you motivated.
It will take a while and you get to the point where you start losing interest in your current project.
Consider how much time, work, expense ... you have spend in your project to decide to continue or move on.
You better off using engine made by someone else, implementing game engine will take a lot of time and knowledge. No point of reinventing the wheel.
depends on your motive for making it if it's just a hobby project you can play around with it forever. If its to sell or show off well I'm not a game dev so I can't say really but I'd recommend keeping it simple get it to run before adding lots of features seeing how long the basics take should probably help set the rest of your expectations