+ 1
Please someone tell me how to allocate memory to an integer array dynamically without specifying it's size (i.e.not arr [5])
the size of an array must be known only at runtime( should depend on user). I tried out this while(cin>>n) { arr [i++]=n; } but I don't think that the above code is correct please if someone finds the correct ping me so that let me know. thank you
5 Answers
+ 3
Your best bet would be using the vector template class. It can grow or shrink as needed.
+ 1
Also it would be much helpful if you provide some other better solution
you need to know how big the array must be, so you can allocate the memory needed for it. so your user could for example input a size n and you could use malloc to allocate the appropriate size(i‘m assuming we are talking about c in c++ you of course have to use new). you can not dynamically change the size of an array. if you need that you should use a linked list or another datastructure that can handle dynamic changes of size.
so in c++ for example you can do:
cin >>n;
int *array = new int[n];
to create an array of user specified size
if you do not want to specify a size on creation you can use vector or similar datastructures in c++
i dont know c++ but could you use an arraylist.
in java an arraylist is an array class where if it runs out of space it creates a new array that is twice as big and “copies” the values from the old array to the new array in order. thus it has more space
i dont know if that translates to c++ and if it does it still may not work in this case
thank you so much for all those who replied me.