4 Answers
+ 2
You have to run your Python Codes in an Interpreter (eg. Pydroid on your Smartphone). Other Language, like c++, must be compiled to create an executable File.
+ 1
Theres two types of languages...
Compiled - the language is translated using software called a ‘compiler’ into another one which can be run later, if the compiler produces efficent good code it, the code generated should be faster e.g. C++ into assemly into machine code (binary)
Interpreted - the code is executed on the run using an ‘interpreter’ e.g. Python
thanks, i had very little experience with C++ and VBA. In c++ 1st i wrote some code and then compiled it and then run the application. I am not sure about VBA. i think debugging is kind of compiling. Right?
Debugging is a process of removing bugs from your software