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J'ai 13ans et je veus debuter pour etre un meilleur codeur pourrez vous me conseiller un programme

23rd Dec 2016, 9:24 PM
Anonymous - avatar
5 Answers
+ 1
Il manque un peu d'information pour pouvoir répondre a ta question. Quel language? Qu'est-ce que tu recherche comme programme? Que veux-tu accomplir? etc...
23rd Dec 2016, 9:32 PM
Frédéric Charette
Frédéric Charette - avatar
+ 1
La traduction c'etait facile. But that doesn't stop me from answering your question! :) The internal argument you were having was the exact same that I had. But, let me tell you - technology is the future and the future is powered by technology, in turn being able to function due to input programming. Do you want a Robot Maid? - If so, type up a 30-Million Line C file Do you want Hover Cars? - If so, type up an even longer file The future, starts with programming. Perhaps, as a start, learn Python ;) Then Java C HTML,CSS,JavaScript Assembly Language Machine Code Binary ... You get my point. Sorry if you did not understand this. Mon interprète anglais à français est cassé. Bonne chance sur les projets futurs! ;)
23rd Dec 2016, 9:34 PM
ghostwalker13 - avatar
je veux un programme pour debuter
23rd Dec 2016, 9:33 PM
Anonymous - avatar
i stand english
23rd Dec 2016, 9:37 PM
Anonymous - avatar
23rd Dec 2016, 9:37 PM
Anonymous - avatar