+ 2
Trying to install a mac changer package on termux but im stuck... help?
contents inside the file when i do "ls" README.md SpoofMAC.egg-info build dist misc scripts setup.py spoofmac already did "python2 setup.py install" ... maybe i something needs tweaking permissions?
5 Answers
+ 3
"ls -la"
drwx------ 9 u0_a162 u0_a162 4.0K Jul 11 23:04 .
drwx------ 16 u0_a162 u0_a162 4.0K Jul 11 22:55 ..
drwx------ 7 u0_a162 u0_a162 4.0K Jul 11 22:55 .git
-rw------- 1 u0_a162 u0_a162 516 Jul 11 22:55 .gitattributes
-rw------- 1 u0_a162 u0_a162 52 Jul 11 22:55 .gitignore
-rw------- 1 u0_a162 u0_a162 7.4K Jul 11 22:55 README.md
drwx------ 2 u0_a162 u0_a162 4.0K Jul 11 22:56 SpoofMAC.egg-info
drwx------ 5 u0_a162 u0_a162 4.0K Jul 11 22:56 build
drwx------ 2 u0_a162 u0_a162 4.0K Jul 11 22:56 dist
drwx------ 2 u0_a162 u0_a162 4.0K Jul 11 22:55 misc
drwx------ 2 u0_a162 u0_a162 4.0K Jul 11 22:55 scripts
-rw------- 1 u0_a162 u0_a162 935 Jul 11 22:55 setup.py
drwx------ 2 u0_a162 u0_a162 4.0K Jul 11 22:55 spoofmac
should i "chmod +x setup.py"
+ 2
Can you provide the output of what happens when you try to run it. Also give us the output of "LS -al"
+ 2
I just looked at the source. Run it like:
+ 1
Yes. Only root has permission to execute it right now.
If that doesn't work please give us the error.
+ 1
Did you read the README? Also less/more/cat setup.py.
chmod'ding won't help if you run:
python script.py
Only if you run:
Then the executable attribute matters. Change it to a+x then or run as root.