+ 1
What are the tags uesd in c++ .I am new
Pls tell me how it can be used in commuter
6 Answers
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Do you mean headers ? like #include <string> or #include <iostream> ?
+ 2
well there are different ones that you can find online, but I name some:
u know u must use #include for all of them, so I don't include that.
<iostream> for input and output
<string> for strings like sentences or words
<vector> for vectors
<iomanip> for setw() ,the width
<cmath> for sqrt() and pow(), used for math stuff
<ctime> for srand and seek time
<cstdlib> for srand and seek time
I always use the last two together cause they are needed if you wanna build a random number.
+ 1
Do you mean the librarys like <iostream> or do you mean something like cin, cout, rand()?
+ 1
+ 1
I recently made a YouTube channel that is under developing and I am going over basic stuff to the complicated stuff. if u interested to watch my videos look up Kourosh Azizi and stay tune. :)
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