+ 1

Prefix and Postfix problem.

Can you explain more about them to this newbie programmer ? T.T

27th Dec 2016, 5:03 AM
Sofyan Maulana
Sofyan Maulana - avatar
3 Answers
+ 2
Prefix and Postfix is same like prepaid and postpaid. in Prepaid, We first pay and then we use, in postpaid, we use and then pay. same in prefix we add/subtract some value and use it in our code, in postfix we use variable in code and then add/subtract value. Example: if a is equal to 5 ++a will return 6 and a will be 6. and a++ will return 5 and then will be 6.
27th Dec 2016, 5:39 AM
Bhadresh Arya
Bhadresh Arya - avatar
+ 1
Prepaid and Postpaid, i'll remember this word. wkwk thank's man
27th Dec 2016, 5:45 AM
Sofyan Maulana
Sofyan Maulana - avatar
27th Dec 2016, 5:43 AM
Andreas K
Andreas K - avatar