[OFFLINE AND VISUAL CODING] Dowload libraries, and visual console

The most discussed problems that every SLearner has encountered at least once, is the absence of the offline coding mode and the absence of a graphic console for every language (except html of course). I recently saw a post about this argument and i want to share my personal opinion and a possible SOLUTION to this problem (i said possible, ok!?). Problems: 1) Coding 'emulators' would be very heavy (200mb for one language at least). 2) SL Team should create and implement new libraries, IDE and javascript codes to make all work properly. Possible solutions: 1) Make the 'emulators' downloadable, but not necessary for the normal work of the app. > if you want to code offline, dowload the emulator of the desired code, if you don't have space or something else, the app will still work normally. 2) Why should we use only some brains of the SL developers to create all these stuffs (IDE, Javascript and libraries) instead of the thousands of the community? CREATE A CONTEST, your community want to help who created this

15th Aug 2018, 7:34 AM
DeepCod3r - avatar
9 Answers
The contest is very difficult to carry out, but is possible if everyone wants to. The developers should share some reservated informations about this app with the community, which is not something you normally want to do (im also learning java sdk to make android applications, so i know that precious informations in the wrong hands, can destroy an app). Maybe SL Team can create a contest for IDEAS on this argument an share only basic informations about the app source code. Is this possible or not? Share your ideas about this post an possible solutions (maybe this forum will be the contest!).
15th Aug 2018, 7:48 AM
DeepCod3r - avatar
15th Aug 2018, 7:50 AM
DeepCod3r - avatar
Was this rhetorical? I wasn't quite sure what the question was.
15th Aug 2018, 7:52 AM
Janning⭐ - avatar
this is not theorical and i want to know if is possible to help the developers to code this upgrades
15th Aug 2018, 7:55 AM
DeepCod3r - avatar
In that case, you can submit suggestions via the Feedback option in the SoloLearn app or e-mail SoloLearn directly at info@sololearn.com.
15th Aug 2018, 8:05 AM
Janning⭐ - avatar
i know that but i want community opinions about this
15th Aug 2018, 8:14 AM
DeepCod3r - avatar
If I understand the question correctly, then I don't see why it wouldn't be possible, but I also don't see why the existing channels for contributing and providing feedback/suggestions are insufficient. From a business management perspective, it seems SoloLearn probably sees more than its fair share of feedback/suggestions and already provides many many many ways for the community to actively contribute. Adding yet another would require them to divert their energies toward building a platform and guardrails for that method of collaboration, instead of just hiring more developers to implement those features (e.g. emulators) directly.
15th Aug 2018, 10:16 AM
Janning⭐ - avatar
You are right, feedbacks channels aren't insufficient but is not efficient sending random things without an unique goal. This post was intended to be a database of things to improve in SL and possible solutions(maybe the title wasn't helpful, so im going to create a new post called 'SL Improvements'). I wrote my opinion (2 big problems in SL) and a solution, then you can write your own opinions or discuss others answers. I know what are ypu thinking "Why don't we sent directly our suggestions to them instead of writing them in a forum?". Well, i think that sending not many, but detailed and complete feedbacks with all the problems and possible solutions is better than sending lots of feedbacks that contain the same problems, or something that does fit with the argument? (have you ever wondered how many feedbacks per day, maybe with similar contents or something like "Hey, i want to be a Moderator plsssssssss!!!!"? ). The main idea was to make a 'great-filter' for feedbacks and problems. Tell me what you think
15th Aug 2018, 12:47 PM
DeepCod3r - avatar
I think if you were to offer to program a feedback tracker (one with just a tiny bit of AI that will help sort the feedback by similarity) and require that the tallied results be made public in return for this service, it might be valuable to them and worth considering. From a business management perspective, if all of SoloLearn's messaging (blog posts, Q&A posts, moderator expectations, etc.) has been consistent in directing users toward a specific behavior (in this case, use the Feedback button or e-mail them directly if the message requires additional characters to fully elaborate), then it would all be for naught if they began sending mixed messages and rewarding people for instigating via the Q&A. I think if they wanted a separate section for this type of collaboration, they would have reimplemented the technology they used for the Q&A section and labeled it accordingly. That way, people who are interested in helping out on a less long term basis can focus on that in the Q&A forum.
16th Aug 2018, 6:44 AM
Janning⭐ - avatar