Learning Code for Jobs?
As the question states, I'm stumped on what code/programming language to learn for an entry-level IT job. I'm leaning towards SQL for now since I know a lot of offices use SQL for their databases. Any and all positive feedback is highly welcomed. :)
5 Answers
+ 1
First ask yourself "what kind of job am I looking for. ?"
Databases are used in almost all sorts of jobs
+ 1
SQL is good to know, so is Powershell if you work in a microsoft-heavy environment. Every ms product can be managed with Powershell these days, and much better than in the graphical interfaces.
For Linux learning bash and python is really helpful.
+ 1
Assuming that by "IT Job" you don't mean programmer, and the company you're working at uses many microsoft products (most of them do I think), then you'll encounter Powershell one way or the other.
With PS you can manage windows itself, microsoft servers, exchange (mail), the active directory (user management), and well, anything microsoft. If you need to pull a list of 200 users from the active directory and filter them by some criterion it's awkward to do in the GUI but pretty easy in PS.
SQL is for dealing with databases (as an IT guy you'll maybe compile some statistics), so its a different use case.
Python is a nice-to-know but not necessary unless you know you'll be dealing with linux a lot.
Ya'iko you're absolutely right, but honestly. I just love IT networking and really just want to get my feet wet and I will be starting a job at this tech-based medical software place fairly soon. so I'm hoping SQL is good for that.
Schindlabua would you say one is more universal than the other, or is Powershell like an enhanced version SQL for MS products only? and with regards to learning python, would learning SQL be a better route first?