How do I print multiple different string arrays?

https://code.sololearn.com/clh4Z9YE8vfj/?ref=app So this is a demo portion of my scaled calculator. At the moment you can only input 1 1 1 M as in 1 times 1 with a scale of 1 using multiplication. when you do that, the spaceOne (multipleOne (the first 1)) is printed just fine, however the multOne (multTwo with a multiplication sign) isn't printing below the first like I want only making a gap of 6 spaces, and after the multOne I want the equal line to print, which also isn't working, and finally the answer (in this case is spaceOne) isn't worling either. FYI the must means a mult sign will be printed before the number, and space means there will be an empty gap befpre the number. Also is there a more effective way to do what I want? I just want the arrays to print in this order, depending on their input value: in this case: spaceOne multOne equalLine spaceOne

24th Aug 2018, 5:59 PM
Slushie - avatar
6 Answers
Ok thanks for your advice. I wasn't planning on doing double digits but I didn't realise how long it might take.
24th Aug 2018, 8:19 PM
Slushie - avatar
Ok so... I'm only half way through C++ lessons and so this is alot for me to take in. Ive got a few clarifying questions: 1) What are vectors for? How are they used? 2) The name of a class doesnt mean anything correct? Like you can name it whatever you want? 3) What does the <vector> add in the Beggining of the script? 4) What are the FactoryMethods? 5) What is size_t? Is that just within the <vector>? 6) What exactly is the use of public and private? In real life would that be for companies or something? 7) How do you use * and &? What is the use of the address of a number? I know I have a lot of questions but like you said it is advanced stuff. I might have a few more questions in the future but these are a few I could think of.
25th Aug 2018, 3:05 AM
Slushie - avatar